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The Unity Scoop – January 26

Dear Families of Unity,

Congratulations to our students and team for a successful administration of the middle school English Language Arts (ELA) mock exams and high school Semester I final exams this past week.  We are proud of the hard work and dedication shown by everyone involved. As always, thank you to our families for your continued support at home—it makes all the difference.

This coming week, Unity middle school students will complete mock exams in mathematics on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.  In addition, our high school students will begin their second Semester of the 2024-25 school year.  We wish all of our students the very best as they continue their studies in the week ahead.

In this edition of The Scoop, we are thrilled to spotlight several members of our community! This includes Unity High students participating in the city’s College Now program and one of our incredibly talented educators. We also provide important information about the city’s Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP), details on Unity’s new Instagram account, and highlights from last week’s Family Ambassadors meeting.  Finally, we are excited to share news about a prestigious new award presented to Unity by the College Board.

One important note/reminder: school is in session  on Monday (1/27) and Wednesday (1/29) even though NYCDOE public schools are closed.  Please ensure that your child is in school both days so as to not fall behind.

Enjoy your Sunday and best wishes in the full week ahead.

In unity,


Joshua Beauregard

Executive Director / Co-founder


Updates as of January 26, 2025:

1. New – Unity High Earns College Board’s AP® Computer Science Female Diversity Award for Expanding Young Women’s Access to AP Computer Science Principles!: Unity High is one of 847 schools nationwide to receive College Board’s Female Diversity Award in 2024 for achieving high female representation in AP Computer Science Principles.  Female students who take AP Computer Science Principles course are more than 5 times as likely to major in computer science in college.

2. New – Join our New Unit Prep Instagram (IG) Account Today!: We recently launched our new grades 6-12 IG account to bring our entire community together – @unityprepcharterschool.  Don’t miss out – follow us now!

3. New – Congratulations to Unity High’s Newest College Now Students!: We are proud of our newest College Now students, who were accepted into the competitive program this past month.  Through their participation in College Now, the students listed below are taking college-level courses at City Tech. This incredible opportunity allows them to experience college life on a college campus while earning credits toward their future academic goals—all while still in high school. We commend these students for challenging themselves and stepping outside their comfort zones. We look forward to celebrating even more Unity students as they join the College Now program in the future!

4. New – Unity Educator Spotlight of the Month – Ms. Saint-Louis, 8th Grade Mathematics Teacher & Co-Department Chair: We are excited to bring a new segment to the Scoop to you – our Monthly Unity Educator Spotlight.  In this inaugural segment, we spotlight Ms. Saint-Louis, our 8th grade mathematics teacher and Co-Department Chair.  Thank you, Ms. Saint-Louis for all that you bring to our learning community.  We look forward to spotlighting other Unity educators in coming editions!

  • Name and Title: Ms. Saint-Louis, 8th Grade Mathematics Teacher & Co-Department Chairperson
  • Hometown: Ellenton, Florida
  • College:
    • BA in Mathematics, College of Holy Cross
    • MA in Education, Boston University
  • Years at Unity: 5 years
  • Recent Achievements & Contributions:
    • Math for America Fellow
    • 100% of Ms. Saint-Louis’s 8th grade students passed the Algebra I Regents exam in 2024.
    • Ms. Saint-Louis was promoted to Co-Chair of the Middle School Mathematics Department in 2024.
  • What do you appreciate most about being an educator at Unity?
    • The math team, my co-advisor, and my co-teachers are just amazing people. They make coming to work a blessing. I am grateful that I get to work with a group of people that are so like minded when it comes to education.
  • What is one highlight that you and your students have recently experienced in class?
    • After some healthy struggle for a week in learning how to write a linear equation from a table when the y-intercept is not given, 75% of my students showed mastery on their Exit Ticket.
  • What is one thing that you are now learning to do for the first time?
    • I’m learning how to make sushi!


5. New – 2025 Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) Lottery: SYEP provides young people aged 14-24 with paid summer jobs in a variety of fields, from retail to government agencies to nonprofits. Teenages living in NYC  aged 14-24 can make a difference in their communities through paid project-based activities. Any young person who resides in the 5 boroughs is eligible to apply. Apply by February 28th online or by calling DYCD Community Connect at (800) 246-4646.

6. New – Thank you, Families, for Taking Part in Last Thursday’s Family Ambassadors Meeting!: We are grateful to our families who participated in our Family Ambassadors meeting.  As always, the meeting was productive, energizing, and, of course, fun!  The agenda from the meeting is below.  Here are the slides from the meeting.  And see the meeting below.  We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting on February 13th!

7. Recap – Congrats to Unity Middle’s Students of the Month!:  Kudos to our Middle School Students of the Month from November and December!  We celebrate these students for showing exemplary scholarship and citizenship!




8. Recap – January 2025 School-wide Calendar: For your family’s convenience, here is a school-wide calendar of events for the month of January – print it out and throw it on the refrigerator door!  It is possible that events could change and new events could be added.  An up-to-date events calendar can always be accessed on our website.

9. Updated – Unity’s Athletic Teams Continue to Reach New Heights!: Our athletic teams picked up where they left off in returning from the December break.  Thank you to the many students, staff, and families who came out to support our teams this week. Go Panthers, and enjoy the photos below of our teams in action!  Finally, see the save-the-date below to see our Student vs. Faculty games at the Barclays Center on February 8th!

Saturday Hoops!  Unity students join Coach Beckford and Coach Berkeley for their weekly open practice on Saturday mornings.

Unity’s MS Varsity Hoops team with members of PS 44’s Hoops team.


Unity’s MS Varsity Hoops team with members of Unity HS’s JV Hoops team.


10. Recap – Unity’s Family Ambassadors and Basketball Teams Bring Movie Night to our Community, Friday, January 31st at 5:30pm:  Unity’s Family Ambassadors and basketball teams are joining forces to bring our first Movie Night of the year to Unity.  The event will take place in the auditorium of our middle school campus (432 Monroe Street).  The featured film will be Coach Carter in honor of our basketball team’s upcoming seasons.  Let’s go, Panthers!  There is a modest admission fee of $3 at the door.  Food and beverage concessions will be available for purchase.  All proceeds will go to funding our teams’ success and development this season!  RSVP here to reserve your seat in advance.



11. Recap – 2024-25 School Calendar of Key Events and Vacations for Families: Calendars for the 2024-25 school year can be accessed using the links below.  Note that we have two versions this year – one version for our middle school (grades 6-8) and another version for our high school (grades 9-12).

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