Communication Folder, 10/24
Communication Folder
October 24, 2016
This week’s Communication Folder includes the following items:
☐ 1. Communication Folder Signature Page (must be signed by a parent or guardian)
☐ 2. Harvest Dance Permission Slip
☐ 3. Picture Day Flyer
☐ 4. Penny Drive Flyer
☐ 5. Food Drive Flyer
☐ 6. Parent & Student Handbook Signature Page, if applicable
☐ 7. Weekly Scholarship & Citizenship Report (yellow paper or check Jupiter)
If any of the above mentioned items are missing, please contact your child’s advisor immediately.
Week at Glance
Tuesday, October 25th @ 4:00pm: Girls Soccer vs 276 (201 Warren)
Tuesday, October 25th @ 5:00pm: Boys Soccer vs Baker (Columbus, 67 Mulberry)
Wednesday, October 26th @ 3-4:30pm: Wrestling- Quest to Learn Dual Meet. (351 West 18th, 4th floor, New York, NY 10011)
Wednesday, October 26th @ 5:45pm: Volleyball vs AF Crown Heights (790 East New York)
Saturday, October 29th: The Armory, Washington Heights Cross- NYRR Youth Jamboree
Saturday, October 29th @ 12:45m: Volleyball vs Basis Independent & Launch (Pave – 732 Henry Street)
Saturday, October 29th @ 1:00m: Flag Football vs Williamsburg (St. John’s Recreation Center, 1251 Prospect Place) *Cheerleaders will Perform*
Saturday, October 29th @ 2:30-4:00pm: Wrestling: Beat the Streets Tournament (Brooklyn Technical HS, 29 Fort Green Place)
Best Regards,
Michelle Gaines & Casey Burns