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Communication Folder, 11/14

This week’s Communication Folder includes the following items:

☐  1. Communication Folder Signature Page (must be signed by a parent or guardian)

☐  2. Tri-I Club Showcase Invite

☐  3. Family Portrait Day Invite

☐  4. History Debate Flyer

☐  5. Family Conference Save the Date

☐  6. Weekly Scholarship & Citizenship Report (yellow paper)

If any of the above mentioned items are missing, please contact your child’s advisor immediately.

Picture Day is tomorrow, Wednesday, November 16th. All students must come to school dressed in uniform on picture day. Please have your child return completed envelopes to Ms. Charles in the main office on Tuesday, November 15th and Wednesday, November  16th.

Week at Glance

Monday, November 14th – Friday, November 18th: Penny Drive & Food Drive

Monday, November 14th @ 4:30pm-6pm:  Boys Basketball Tryouts

Tuesday, November 15th @ 4:30pm-6pm:  Boys Basketball Tryouts

Tuesday, November 15th @ 6pm: Unity Open House

Thursday, November 17th @ 4:30pm-6pm:  Boys Basketball Tryouts

Thursday, November 17th @ 6pm:  Club Showcase

Saturday, November 19th @ 10am-1:30pm: Unity Holiday Party and Family Portrait Day

Best Regards,

Michelle Gaines & Casey Burns


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