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Communication Folder, 11/21

This week’s Communication Folder includes the following items:

☐  1. Communication Folder Signature Page (must be signed by a parent or guardian)

☐  2. History Debate Invite, 11/21

☐  3. Coffee with the Co-principals Invite, 11/30

☐  4. Food Drive, Extended until 12/8

☐  5. Weekly Scholarship & Citizenship Report (yellow paper)

If any of the above mentioned items are missing, please contact your child’s advisor immediately.

*Students will be dismissed at 3:30pm on Tuesday, November 22nd, Monday, November 28th, Tuesday, November 29th, and Thursday, December 1st. School is closed on Wednesday, November 23rd – Friday, November 25th.

*Family Conferences are Wednesday, December 7th (2:30-5:30pm) and Thursday, December 8th (5-8pm). Attendance is mandatory.

Week at Glance

Monday, November 21st @ 4:30-6pm: Basketball Tryouts

Monday, November 21st @ 6-7:30pm: History Debate

Tuesday, November 22nd: End of Trimester I

Tuesday, November 22nd @ 3:30pm: Early Dismissal


Best Regards,

Michelle Gaines & Casey Burns


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