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Communication Folder, 5/31/2016

This week’s Communication Folder includes the following items:

☐  1.  Communication Folder Signature Page

☐  2. June 2016 Calendar

☐  3. June Roundtable Sign-up Sheet

☐  4.  Scholarship and Citizenship Weekly Report (Yellow Paper)


Week At Glance

June 2nd – June 6th: 8th Grade NYS Science Exam

June 6th – 17th: Scholastic Book Fair

Tuesday, June 7th @ 6pm: Athletic Banquet

Wednesday, June 8th: Community Service Day for all grades

Wednesday, June 8th @ 5:30pm: FCPA Meeting and Awards Ceremony

Thursday, June 9th: Tri-III Showcase

Friday, June 10th: End of Tri-II/Last Day of Classes

Best Regards,


Joshua Beauregard

Head of School

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