Apply Today

Communication Folder , 9/6/2016

This week’s Communication Folder includes the following items:


 1. Communication Folder Introduction Letter

 2. Communication Folder Signature Page (must be signed by a parent or guardian each week)

 3. September 2016 Calendar

 4. Curriculum Night Save the Date Flyer

 5. FCPA (PTA) Monthly Meeting Flyer

 6. Lunch Application Flyer

 7. Immunization Requirements 2016-2017

 8. 2016 Health Examination Form/Asthma Form Letter, if applicable

 9. Residency Questionnaire (Grades 7 & 8)

 10. High School Letters (Grade 8)

If any of the above mentioned items are missing, please contact your child’s advisor immediately.


Best Regards,


Michelle Gaines & Casey Burns


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