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Saturday Academy Tutoring Program







Unity Preparatory Charter School of Brooklyn is seeking volunteer tutors to work with students in 6th through 10th grade in the Saturday Academy Tutoring Program. Unity Prep is located at 432 Monroe St., in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn. Founded in 2013, the school serves a predominantly low-income population of students who typically enter the school multiple years below grade level. Individualized academic and social-emotional support systems are a hallmark of Unity’s model – the Saturday Academy Tutoring Program has provided exceptionally invaluable support to Unity’s students for the past 4 years and has also been an enjoyable and worthwhile experience for volunteers who seek to have an impact on their community.

Saturday Academy Details:

  • The start date is Saturday, 11/18/17 when Unity will host an orientation with tutors from 11am – 1pm. Following the orientation, the first day with students will be Saturday, 12/2/17
  • The program runs through the second weekend in June. (Full schedule is listed below.)  Saturday Academy does not meet on several of the Saturdays due to long weekends and holiday breaks. The number of tutoring sessions through June totals 20 Saturdays. The goal of the program is for tutors to attend at least 15 Saturdays, or 75% of the sessions. Unity’s students benefit substantially from the consistency.
  • Each Saturday the tutoring session runs from 11am – 1pm. Tutors will be matched with 1-4 students and the tutor is tasked with guiding students through math work tailored to the student’s needs by one of Unity’s math instructors.
  • This year, the program is adding in a couple of fun components:

“Brain Breaks” – mini games and activities tutors can use to break up the action when students lose stamina in order to have a bit of fun and finish up the session strong and on a positive note.

Unity would also like to help tutors have some fun and build relationships with their students by sponsoring trips and rewards, i.e. going out for frozen yogurt after the session, or taking students out to a movie if they’ve had 4 very productive sessions in a row.

  • After outperforming our surrounding districts in 2016-17, this year Unity aims to outperform New York State as a whole on the New York State Grades 6-8 Math Exams and on the High School Algebra Regents Exam.

To register as a volunteer tutor with Unity’s Saturday Academy or to obtain more information about the program, please email SaturdayAcademy@unityprep.org or contact Sal Siddiqui, Unity Prep Associate Board, at 302-559-9828.

Saturday Academy Schedule 2017-18

All tutoring sessions scheduled from 11am to 1pm.

11/18 – Tutor Orientation 11am – 1pm

12/2     Session 1 (first day with students)

12/9     Session 2

12/16   Session 3

12/23, 12/30  NO TUTORING – Winter Break

1/6       Session 4


1/20     Session 5

1/27     Session 6

2/3       Session 7

2/10     Session 8

2/17, 2/24  NO TUTORING – February Break

3/3       Session 9

3/10     Session 10

3/17     Session 11

3/24     Session 12

3/31, 4/7    NO TUTORING – Spring Break

4/14     Session 13

4/21     Session 14

4/28     Session 15  

*Middle school State Math Exam takes place May 1 – May 3

5/5       Session 16  (high school only from this point forward)

5/12     Session 17

5/19     Session 18

5/26    NO TUTORING –  Memorial Day

6/2       Session 19

6/9       Session 20

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